Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Just Today

The last 12 hours deserves a blog post of its very own I've decided. While life here can be very different and sometimes difficult- it is certainly never dull. Today my day was filled with a school-wide olympic ceremony, a kindergarten christmas pageant, me finding myself carrying live chickens from my house to school, watching middle and high school students wrap those chickens up like presents, and then having a snowball fight in 70+ degree weather. 
Allow me to elaborate...
Being at an international school means that when they do olympics in P.E. class, then can actually represent their own countries and compete for them. The students have been doing olympic competitions in P.E. for the past few weeks and today the whole school took part in the "closing ceremonies." The whole school went out to the field across the street and gathered with the flag of their own country. The school had 13 different countries represented! They then walked together with their flag and came in to the auditorium of the church across the street. We had a big ceremony announcing the 3rd,2nd, and 1st place winners of each competition and they played the national anthem of the 1st place winner's country. It was so neat! 

Every week we have elementary chapel. Every other week chapel is lead by a different class and this week it was kindergarten's turn. We have been preparing a Christmas pageant all week to perform for our chapel today. Everyone had at least one line and had (some kind of) costume. Creating costumes wasn't very easy, but we got creative! Our angels wore fairy wings and aluminum foil halos, the wisemen (and wisewomen) wore curtains as capes- you get the idea. While they had a bit of trouble remembering where to go after they said their lines, I think my loud whispering of cues across the stage helped and they of course were just adorable. 

Something I don't think I've mentioned on my blog yet is that besides teaching kindergarten every day, I have gotten involved in being a Young Life leader with the high schoolers. Young Life is a youth program that is quite popular in the states, but also is an international program, so we have it here in Kigali. Tonight we had our Christmas club. Winter here means the temperature might get down to 65 degrees, but mostly it is just really hot all the time. So, we (the other American YL leaders and I, who have actually experienced snow) decided we wanted to give these kids a true wintery Christmas experience. So we made snow balls out of panty hoes and flour- filling them with the flour and tying knots to create snow balls (essentially flour bombs). Then we had them play capture the flag with snow balls. What made the game even more interesting is that the flags were frozen inside blocks of ice that had to melted before they could win. 
Buuuuut before the snowball fight we had another "fun" activity. We told the kids we wanted them to wrap some christmas presents we had gotten for the guards. 6 of them volunteered to be gift wrappers. Then we brought out the "gifts." They were live chickens. The students of course freaked out, but also loved it and were actually successful in wrapping them in butcher paper and yarn. And no worries- no animals were harmed in the process... but they will be very appreciated and very tasty to the guards who are receiving them. 
...All in a day's work. 

Processing in for the olympic ceremony 
Ready for chapel to start

Singing at chapel! 

Chicken at my house
Chickens in the road
Chicken in a package 
Chicken #2 in an even neater package

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Power of Prayer

Every morning my kindergarten class starts the day by lining up with their little feet on the little curb, each giving me a good morning hug on the way in the door, then they sit on the carpet to begin our day with praying together. Everyday before we pray I ask for prayer requests and I write them down in a little notebook. This is probably my favorite time of the day. Why you might ask? Well, here are just a few of the best requests we have prayed for in the past 4 months....

-The whole word
-That God is with us every day
-That my little brother won't break my things
- That God heals all the sick people
-Praise God that my mom sent a note in my lunch
-That my baby sister doesn't bite my mom when she's nursing
-That we don't argue with our moms and dads
-That God blesses everyone
-Praise that I was early to school today
-That we can stand in a nice line in the hallway like the 1st graders
-That we don't scream at house center
-That my car gets fixed because my mom's car is so not fixed
-For my ouchy
-For my cold
-That my little sister doesn't bother my mom when she's teaching her workout class
-Praise God I got new socks and a new lunch box!
-Praise God that my mom got games on her phone
-That we don't fall and get hurt in P.E.
-That my dog doesn't bite my new chicken
-That we are obedient
-That no one has to move their clip
-Praise the Lord that today is the 46th day of school
-Praise God for spirit week!
-Praise God for Cupcakes
-Praise God for gum that my mom got for me
-That the presidents of the United States don't fight with each other
-That my sister doesn't step on my head to wake me up in the morning
- Praise God we get to sing in Spanish at chapel
- Praise God for Miss Merz's new shoes
- Praise God for reading buddies
- Praise God that next summer I get to go to Tennessee
-Praise God we learned our memory verse

I hope these gave you a smile. I just love how much my students want to Praise the Lord for such simple things. But the thing is, they are doing exactly what God calls us to do! We SHOULD be praising God for things like the 46th day of school and simple pleasures like new lunch boxes and bubble gum. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says "In everything give thanks..." That is exactly what they are doing! I know I came to this country to be a teacher for these children, but sometimes I think they teach me even more.
