Saturday, December 7, 2013

Fall Photo Update

So writing isn't my forte, neither is taking pictures really... all around I'm not so great at this keeping people updated thing. Sorry! I promise I'm going to try and do better. Meanwhile, here is a little photographic update of my life from the past few months. Hope this helps paint a picture of what I've been up to out here! 

And yes this post did take a week to publish- loads of pictures + slow internet = a lot of learned patience. ;) 

Getting my hair braided- it took 13 hours! 

Monster box craft with kids I was babysitting. -too fun! 

LEarning about Bucket Filling :) 

Some kindergarten and first grade girls at recess, just being cute :) 

These are banana trees that are in my yard. You can also see my and my roommates' modes of transportation in the background. 

Just teachin and stuff

Learning with dry erase pockets from America
They LOVE them! 

I kept my braids in for 3 weeks. It then took 3 of us 3.5 hours to pull them out.
In the dark. The power of course came back on as soon as we finished. 

My favorite part of the week- Reading buddies with grade 5 every Friday :)

My kids performing at our Fall Festival. 

My kid's earned a pj party with good behavior. It was a VERY exciting day. 

Very excited for pajama day! 

Pajama day! 
Benjamin at Hope for Life :)

In an attempt to teach my students about Thanksgiving, we did this turkey hand print craft.
It's really hard when you're 5 years old, not American, and your teacher tries to tell you that a hand print looks like a turkey... cultural things can sometimes get lost in translation. Note the Turkey's face on the pinky...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the pictures, Kelsey...they are awesome! Merry Christmas to you :-)

    - Mo
