Sunday, February 9, 2014

"For I know the plans I have for you," Declares the Lord, "plans that will prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

I've written about Jeremiah 29:11 before. It's a verse that is on my heart often. On days when I feel joyful and successful in what I'm doing. On days when I wonder what in the world I'm doing. On days when I wonder how I got to this side of the world. But mostly, I think of it on days when I feel there's that peace that passes all understanding, when despite all frustrations and homesickness, I know I'm exactly where God wants me.
God has a plan for all of us. I mean it says it literally right there... "For I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU." Following THAT plan is glorious, wonderful, joyful and so full of pure goodness. It brings peace that makes no sense. It provides at the most least expecting times. It's down right beautiful. But it's not always easy. It's not easy when I realize how long its been since I've seen my family. It's not easy when I'm missing my friends' weddings. It's not easy on days when all I want is American food. It's not easy when we go days without electricity or running water. It's not easy when, no matter how I explain why I'm in Rwanda missing all those things, people don't understand. Most of all it's not easy when I pray about my future, receive God's answer, and then have to tell family and friends at home that it will indeed be another year on this journey. Hearing disappointment from loved ones is never easy.
But here's the good news... God, you know Him- our creator, savior, father, mighty one, provider- HE PROVIDES. His provisions continues and never ceases to amaze me. He provides in the biggest and smallest ways, but he PROVIDES! Allow me to share a few examples...
One morning last school year I was craving chocolate. Ok fine, I crave chocolate all the time, but this day it was all I could think about. I went about my morning, getting ready for school. At 7:45 the students come in the school gate and begin bringing their backpacks into the room. One student comes up to me. "Miss Merz! My mom made you these cookies. She even made them without gluten!" And there in my hand is a bag full of chocolate no-bakes. Score! Another student comes in, "Uh Miss Merz, here." He hands me a snickers bar. Me:"What?! Why are you giving this to me?" Student: "I don't want it." No further explanation. The day continued and at snack time that afternoon, a third student gives me chocolate. This time the case was she only wanted the toy inside the chocolate ball, not the candy, so she gave it to me. Seriously God?!?!
Another example of His provision, this time in a big way. If you know me, you know how close I am with my dear dear friends, the Hoxsies. Emmalilly and I have been besties since middle school and I've been friends with her sisters Morgan and MAdison since then as well. Can you imagine how much overwhelming joy I felt then I learned that THEY ALL BOOKED TICKETS TO COME SEE ME FOR CHRISTMAS?! Yeah that happened. Never did I think I'd get anyone to come visit me here. It's expensive, it requires a lot of shots, it takes 24 hours to get here, then again to travel home. But it happened. ALL three of them booked plane tickets, got all the shots, and spent all that time to come see me and my life here in RWanda. Amazing!
Christmas last year, my first year away from home, was, well to be honest, terrible. This year, while still away from home, was significantly better on account of God bringing my sisters here to spend it with me. Allow my to illustrate the incredible two weeks with the following pictures.

That white girl in the green jacket with her hands in the air...
yeah, that's me, yelling through the airport at first sight of my friends! 

Market time

Christmas Eve service in our new Kitenge outfits :) 

Have I mentioned how much I love these girls? 

Safari ride!

Bagel brunch

Pretending it's a cold Christmas

Pretending we're as hard core as the ladies we spent the day with

Day in the village

Ready bright and early for a 13 hour bus ride through Uganda

Emma wasn't thrilled with the car snacks

Kayaking to the island on Lake Bunyoni! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow... okay I know what joy is but you illustrated it so well!
    Love Dad
